Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Severn Suzuki At The Earth Summit In 1992

Part One Of Severn's Perspective In 2010

And Part Two Of Severn's Perspective In 2010
She most certainly requires no additional commentary from me
However I refer you to this Q & A I did with Weather Channel Climate Expert
Stu Ostro I did a week or so ago:

UL) Many people object to the use of the term "Global Warming" when speaking of the "Climate Change" phenomenon. Is the global climate warming due to human carbon and other atmospheric emissions in your opinion?

Stu Ostro): There’s a lot of short-term year-to-year natural variability superimposed, but the overwhelming evidence is that the longer term temperature trend, which is one of warming, is primarily the result of human activities.

UL) Besides climatic temperature changes, what other Climate Changes do you see happening in the past century due to human carbon and other emissions?

Stu Ostro): A serious trend of Arctic sea ice loss, changes in atmospheric circulation patterns, and changes in the nature of precipitation extremes.

UL) What weather phenomenon outside North America of note would you attribute, if any, to the Climate Change phenomenon, and what weather events in our country would you say have been affected by climate change over the past century?

Stu Ostro): Some of the temperature anomalies and precipitation extremes we’ve seen in recent years likely have a climate change component to them.

UL) Are human injuries, deaths and/or property damage occurring due to weather anomalies produced by Climate Change or is that impossible to assess?

Stu Ostro): If climate change is affecting the day-to-day weather including extremes, which my assessment indicates it is, then there are injuries, deaths, and property damage which have occurred as a result. What’s impossible to assess is exactly how much of those impacts would have occurred without these changes in climate.

UL) Environmentally, what damages have occurred or are occurring world-wide and here due to Climate Change, and are you aware of any species (whether single-celled, plant or mammal) which have become extinct or endangered primarily due to climate change?

Stu Ostro): The frequency of devastating floods worldwide, and the nature of the 2003 Europe and 2010 Russia heat waves, and the kind of topsy-turvy patterns that have produced odd snow extremes, have a signal to them suggesting an influence of climate change. [N/A on the species question – outside my realm.]

UL) What public policies should be highest on the agendas of the state governments, the U.S. government and the U.N. and the international community and which policy initiatives would accomplish the most in an expeditious manner and are ones you would advocate?

Stu Ostro): An increased focus on adaptation to climate change, given that it’s already happening and affecting us regardless of what is done to mitigate the causes.

I can't overestimate the seriousness of one of Stu's comments. Please remember this one from an expert who has been at this for decades:

"If climate change is affecting the day-to-day weather including extremes, which my assessment indicates it is, then there are injuries, deaths, and property damage which have occurred as a result."

Weather Channel Climate Expert Dr. Heidi Cullen Details Much
In Her Public Information Efforts, Including This Great Interview
With Miami Talk Radio Host Marc Bernier,
Her Website With Informative Videos Is:

A Month Paintball Matches.

a month paintball matches.
a month paintball matches.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Beginner Paintball Speedball:

Beginner Paintball Speedball:
Beginner Paintball Speedball:

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Paintball - Speedball

paintball - speedball
paintball - speedball

Paintball - Speedball

paintball - speedball
paintball - speedball

Saturday, May 28, 2011


Carly Simon Sings You're So Vain In Honor Of Mitt Romney

One Term Massachusetts Guv Willard Mitt Romney (What a funny name-lol)
Born to a rich guy who was part of that terrible president Nixon's cabinet
George Romney,
Mitt hasn't even had to work or nuthin'
and his rich Dad got him into Harvard and paid for his law degree
so he's just another real rich lawyer.

Hi everybody! It's me again! L  I  S  A ! ! ! Yay! How r ya? It's been awhile. Hope everthing's been ok with you. It has with me! Not only that, Mitt Romney came to my state and Mommy took me to talk to him and I got to ask him a bunch of questions just like I did with Congersman Bunk! Mitt sure IS a funny name, huh? I think a Mitt should look like this:
Not like this:

Sheteeheehehehahaha! Politishuns are fun to play with! They're really silly most of 'em! Espeshally Mittster! LOL! He thinks he's really handsome, and that's why he's running I think. I think he thinks he can win for President cuz he looks good, and if he can just not say anything and not get in trouble that he thinks he'll win! That's his campaign stratergy! (shhhh....I think President Obama looks perty good, way better'n Mitt, btw, lol--don't say I said that). Mitt was guverner for 4 years of Massachusetts in New England. That's it. He got mad in 2008 when he ran for President the last time because Barack 'didn't have experience' even though Barack was re-elected state senator over and over and was in the US Senate. Mitt has no experience. And he lost for President last time big-time! LOL. And now he's runnin' again. He's a silly man. OK. Let me see if I can do this. Drum roll, please...
Without further ado, please let me interduse the ex-Guv:  MITT!

Lisa: Welcome Mr. Mitt. I'm sure glad you're here. How r ya?

Mitt Romney: Glad to be here Lisa. Sure is warm in here, isn't it! Phew! My mascara isn't running is it? Are you gonna be taking pictures, because I think I put on a bit too much blush this morning and want to have my make-up artist do a touch-up ifya do. Ok honey? It's hard for a 64 year old guy to look like this all the time, yaknow?

Lisa: I hafta warn you Guv that I'm gonna take the mitts off [I really lol-ed inside when I said that to Mr. Mitt-- *wink*] when I ask ya my questions, ok?

Mitt Romney: You can ask anything you want, little Lisa. I have a security detail that's been trained by the same guys who protect Sharrrrron Angle and Newt Gingrich in case anyone asks a serious question I don't want to answer AND I keep myself in pretty good shape so I can run fast enough to stay one step ahead of a questioner, and you seem to have pretty short legs.

Lisa: Mr. Mitt, you say yer a Christian, right? Ya say you don't like immorality and stuff, right? When you were in college at Stanford University during Vietnam, and everbody was protesting the war and being drafted and stuff, you didn't join in those protests, didja? You actually staged a counter protest, HUH??? And yet you didn't go to Vietnam yourself, instead went to France and became a missionary. Huh? Is that hippo...hip...  hipp.. i got it... hypocritical Mr. Mitt? Izit???

Mitt Romney: I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints, and as such, just like my father before me, George, I went overseas to spread the good news of the Gospel.

Lisa: Here's a picture of a dead Palestinian kid my age MR. MITT!!! You are avoiding saying ennything ennyhow ya can about war and cutting weapons and stuff. You claim to be a Christian, supported the war in Vietnam, but didn't have the guts to go fight it yerself. And look at all these coffins of heroes who died in Iraq who had the guts to do what THEY believed in and died so you can run your selfish campaign!!!

Lisa: How do you sleep at night Mr. Mitt? How???

Mitt Romney: Huh?

Lisa: And how about healthcare. You passed a real good law to give everbody in your state doctors and stuff, because your legislacher was Democratic and it passed easy. Then ya decided to run for President in 2007 and switched yer idea on it overnight so you could win, but you didn't even win and now yer runnin' again!

Lisa: And now that President Obama has passed the beginnings of real change so everbody will get nice doctors and stuff, you give it a bad name and call it ObamaCare! I don't know about you, but if President Obama was a doctor I bet he'd be as good and compassionate a doctor as he is a President. NOT LIKE YOU!!!

Lisa: So what exactly IS your real opinion on whether everbody should get to see a doctor if they need to?

Mitt Romney: Ummm. Uh. Well... I happen to believe that a fixed position is indicative of a closed-minded approach, and while the bill passed during my single 4 year term as governor of Massachusetts included universal participation and mandated participation that...

Lisa: Gobbletygook!!! You're cut off on that question! Next topic. Under the last Republican President, Dubya, the economy stunk! STUNK!!! You're saying cut money for poor people who need it, cut taxes for rich people like you, and keep spending trillions on guns and bombs. When you were governor you cut money for poor people who needed it and raised taxes galore but called them 'fees' instead!!! Under Doctor (lol) President Obama, the greatest President on Earth, instead of "The Great Recession" the Republicans gave Mommy and Daddy to try to feed me and keep our house and their jobs, AND losing jobs every month, the economy is growing and we're getting more and more jobs each month. Why not just give it up and admit he's doing a great job and not run? He even got Bin Laden for Pete's sake, Mr. Mitt! Just stop running all the time and endorse him why dontcha?

Mitt Romney: (Changes shoes to his Nikes) Security, Security!!! We're going for a jog, guys! I'll see ya later Lisa!

After that Mr. Mitt left real quick.
And Mommy and me,
we hugged
and hugged
and hugged!
The End Again
Amen Everbody

So remember everbody, support Barack Obama for President. Here's what he's done ALREADY:

1) Ending the reign of terror that was Osama Bin Laden.

2) Ending Don't Ask Don't Tell- The official Defense Department policy of legal discrimination against gay and lesbian heros.
3) Negotiating and passing through the U.S. Senate the START treaty with Russia.
4) Passage of the highly successful $700billion TARP bill.
5) Passage of the first-step Health Care Reform Act of 2010.
6) Removing 100,000 of our bravest and best from harm's way in Iraq.
7) Getting a $20 billion down payment from BP before the spill was even over.
8) Intimidating Tony "Wayward" Hayward into resigning as the immoral head of BP, taking a demotion and hiding out in Putin's Russia to avert prosecution by Attorney General Eric Holder.
9) Naming 2 women in a row to the U.S. Supreme court with brains.
10) Having a brain himself as President, post-George Dubya Bush. Refreshing, huh?

|GTA SanAndreas| CTI Tour Ep.1 By Me [Azka6661]

Please Comment & Rate

Friday, May 27, 2011

Of Paintball By Preventing

of paintball by preventing
of paintball by preventing

Thursday, May 26, 2011



By Aurelia Blue May 10, 2011

Aurelia sat on the sands of yet another post card perfect Key West beach, the letter, that was not from Boden, fluttering in her hand. The scenery around her was breathtaking, yet she barely noticed. Her skin was deeply bronzed from a month of paradisiacal sun worship. She'd learned to surf. She’d had unscripted swims with a pod of young dolphins nearly every day. And had Unskinny Bopped in more clubs than she could count. Her companion Sabrina, the daughter of affluent friends of the family, lay beside her snoring, clearly embracing the blessings of party life.

After weeks of Aurelia's constant moping beside the telephone that never rang, her parents had encouraged her to take a sabbatical from all the summer classes, work on the farm and her job at a local restaurant, to join Sabrina and her family on their yearly pilgrimage to the keys. She'd picked up the receiver one more time before she'd left, her packed suitcase waiting by the front door, and dialed his number. A young man's voice came on the line, filling her with momentary hope, which faded as she recognized the voice of Boden's younger brother, Jud.

"Oh hey, Aurelia, no, I don't know where he is. Sorry, honey. I will leave him a note though. I can't expect he'd want to miss a call from his number one girlie. Hey, doesn't Axl Blue live out there in the cornfields by you? If you see him, would you say the Judster's been looking for him at the tracks? Avilla is going off this summer. You like fast cars, honey? Avilla is the place to be!"

"I'll do that..." Aurelia had said hanging up. Judster.

Aurelia sighed now as she returned to the letter. It was from her friend Dominic.

Hey Raley,

'Sup, girl? I've missed our breakfasts at the diner! Best five bucks I ever spent on biscuits and gravy. You work cheap girl! You should raise your rates. I got a B- for my final Gov&Econ grade! Couldn't have done it without you, Shug. I owe you, big time. Don't know what I can do for you though, since you clearly don't need me to write your current events reports, Miss Got 102%, The Highest Grade In The Class! Damn girl, why'd you even take summer school, it's not like you need to! Well I hear there are even more reports if you take it regular senior year. So maybe you, like me, just wanted to get it outa the way, so's you can party hardy senior year. SENIOR YEAR! Yeah! We're gonna fight for our right to partay! Am I right or am I right? Yeah, I'm right!

Ok. Ok. I gotta go. I have sixty acres to irrigate if I'm gonna get my ass up to Tipdango's tonight for line dancing. If you were here, girl, I'd take you wit' me, as long as you didn't get in my action, ha ha. But that's ok. 'Cuz we’re friends, right?

Sending you big hugs and kisses for wherever you want to put them. Love ya, Doom-inic the Seniorator, baby!

Aurelia couldn't help a small smile. Dominic was just that kind of guy. But if only, she lapsed back into the unhappy thoughts again, if only this letter could have been from Boden. She'd written him one a week before she'd left for Florida.

At first they were just newsy missives about summer school and how much she missed him. That she was sorry to hear band camp had been scheduled at the new middle school campus, so their paths wouldn't be crossing. Later, as the weeks wore one, she wrote pleading letters, begging him to call. Imploring him as to why he was so obviously ignoring her. Finally, in her anguish, she'd sent one final letter from Florida, taking the silver filigree friendship ring her grandparents had given her for her sixteenth birthday, off the fourth finger of her left hand. Tying a green piece of embroidery thread around it, she slid it in the envelope with her final words.


Would that I could, I would tear out my own still beating heart and place it in your cold selfish hand. Since I cannot, I am sending you my last token of fidelity. I give you this ring in the spirit of love and friendship in which is was given to me and with this emerald token, I pledge my lifelong love. Will you not do the same for me?


Your Darling

She'd crept out of bed and slid it in the mailbox outside the condo door in the middle of the night, afraid she'd lose her nerve and resolve by morning's light. Sabrina was waiting for her in the big bed they shared when she returned.

She smiled. Beautiful with her long blonde hair glimmering in the moonlight, she welcomed Aurelia into her embrace.

"Oh just fuck him, Raley. He doesn't deserve you," Sabrina said giving Aurelia a giant smooch on the lips.

Aurelia closed her eyes and let the sensations of being loved and held seep through her. How welcome it was to feel them again!

Sabrina had proved to be a wonderful diversion over the past few weeks. She was lively and outgoing, making friends everywhere they went, scoring them invitations to parties all over the keys. She was athletic as well, making her an ideal swimming and surfing partner. And she was outstandingly liberal with her affections with both men and women alike. Something the desperately lonely Aurelia did not underrate.

"Letter not from him, then?" Sabrina was awake now on the beach rolling over and pushing up on her elbows.

"No. From Dominic. The guy I wrote all the papers for," Aurelia said lying back on the sand.

"Oh," Sabrina said as she rubbed lotion on Aurelia's bare tummy. "Well did he pass?"

"Yep. With a B minus," Aurelia sighed.

" Not your best papers then," giggled Sabrina.
"No. My best is gone with my muse I'm afraid."

"Oh, Raley. You've got to change that."

"What the hell do you mean you have mono, Dmitri? I thought that went out with the plague," Aurelia cried into the phone.

"Apparently not, dear Deborah," Dmitri croaked into her ear. "It seems the kissing disease is still alive and well, and within me," he gave a short giggle, "I wish I'd gotten it from kissing some handsome sailor who was within me."

"Oh God, yuck, Dmitri."

"I know, sorry, my Latin love, I'm just so jealous of your month in the land of endless oceans. I can't believe you didn't have even one torrid night with a hot sailor."

"Dude! I'm taken. I can't be banging sailors, really," Aurelia sighed.

"Taken shmaken. He's gone, Deborah. We don't know why but he is. So move on."

"Move on?"

"Move on!"

"How? How do I do that?" Aurelia broke down in sobs. "You wont even be there with me the first day."

"Yes," Dmitri sighed. "But you can't let that stop you, beautiful Deborah. You will simply have to gloss your little tanned ass up in some Who Gives a Damn! high heels paired with a nice white dress and just strut right in there! Don't even look at him. Walk right by. Don't even let on that you know he doesn't know what the hell just hit him."

"Just like that?"

"Just like that!"

 The first day of Senior year. Zero hour.

Aurelia pulled up to the school in her '73 Jeep Wagoneer and parked in the Senior lot.

"Nice car, Raley!" Dominic's voice boomed out from four spaces away. "Nice tan too, baby!"

Aurelia smiled broadly and waved as she stepped out of the car in her six inch heeled woven sandals and body hugging, white eyelet sun dress. As she passed by Dominic she couldn't help but stare at the gorgeous olive green '63 Mercury Monterey he was leaning against. It was stunning in the sparkling sunlight.

"Like what you see?" Axl Blue spoke softly as he leaned out the driver's side window.

For a moment he stared at Aurelia's long tanned legs with nearly the same intensity with which she had regarded the car. Then with just a hint of a wink, he turned back to Jud Bowdean who was in the passenger seat. Jud stared open mouthed after Aurelia as she quickly walked away.

Her heart was beating so fast she almost couldn't breathe. Was it the sight of Jud that had thrown her? Yes. Probably. That made sense, she thought.

This is the third of seven installments
of this awesome story
by awesome new
fiction storyteller
Aurelia Blue.
Thank you

Okay, I'm Going To Cover The Difference Of Woodsball And Speedball. Woodsball - Is What It Sounds Like. Playing Paintball In The Woods With A

Okay, I'm going to cover the difference of woodsball and speedball. Woodsball - Is what it sounds like. Playing paintball in the woods with a
Okay, I'm going to cover the difference of woodsball and speedball. Woodsball - Is what it sounds like. Playing paintball in the woods with a

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Acid Test Paintball Challenge

Acid Test Paintball Challenge
Acid Test Paintball Challenge

Tuesday, May 24, 2011




David Crosby, Stephen Stills, Graham Nash and Neil Young

A link is provided here to the NY Times report on Mubarek's prosecution:
The New York Times is reporting that ex-dictator Hosni Mubarek, overthrown in a peaceful revolution by heros throughout Egypt earlier this year will be prosecuted for murders he schemed and masterminded while in charge of police units and military members, thugs who killed primarily when out of uniform so as to avoid their institutions being blamed for the slaughter of unarmed protesters in an extreme demonstration of cowardice and inhumanity. This clearly indicates that the political power of the heroic pacifist revolutionaries is strong enough to compel the interim government to announce this prosecution.

Like Murderer Mubarek, Other Self-Serving Dictators In The Past Century Have Included:




And Recently Killed Wannabe Thug Bin Laden

Resigned And Pardoned Felon U.S. President Nixon

Please, let's not forget that Ohio State happened in 1970, not very long ago at all and our dictators of the day were a second-in-command felon who copped a plea to greed charges for taking kick-backs as Maryland Governor, the first Vice President to resign in disgrace, Spiro Agnew and the first President (Richard Nixon-Republican) to resign in disgrace and avoid prosecution only because of a Presidential pardon from his hand selected successor and who had the nerve to imagine that his morality allowed him the privilege of sending our own heros overseas to fight for himself as President and the likes of Agnew.

Under Nixon's direction, his campaign committee, CREEP (Committee to Re Elect the President, if you're young, I am NOT making this up) broke into Democratic Party offices at the Watergate complex, burglarized the property and then Nixon covered up the botched felony. He resigned after naming Gerald Ford president and Ford pardoned him, then Ford left office a bit more than 2 years later. OMG. And 4 young unarmed peaceful protesters, college students, killed at Kent State University in Ohio by armed militiamen because of Nixon's endless and totally botched prosecution of an unjust war that he managed to lose, and lose big-time by expanding it illegally to Laos and Cambodia, and losing in those sovereign nations as well as losing South Vietnam. And more importantly nearly 60,000 U.S. uniformed military heros who died futilely because of him, and all those Vietnamese, Laotian and Cambodian deaths. :( Plus laying the groundwork for a horrible dictator to take power, and planting the seeds for the genocidal killing fields of Cambodian dictator Pol Pot. Mubarek can happen here again. Nixon was Mubarek and vice versa. Make no mistake!

Pol Pot
Enabled His Genocide

Mubarek Will Now Face Trial For His Crimes
I Don't Support Capital Punishment For Anyone
But This Cartoon Depicts The Position This Dictator's Own Actions Have Placed Him
And Members Of His Own Family In
(They Got Involved And Are Being Prosecuted Too)
He And They Face The Death Penalty Under Egyptian Law
Megalomaniacs Only Would Put Their Own Flesh And Blood At Such Risk!

The good news is that peaceful change is possible in 2011, a la Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Desmund Tutu, and Nelson Mandela. I take heart in that and in the fact that we have an inspirational and well-motivated family man of a leader in our own nation today in President Barack Obama. I thank God for that blessing today.
President Of The United States Of America Barack Obama



Monday, May 23, 2011

Half-frozen Paintball (Hitting

Half-frozen Paintball (Hitting
Half-frozen Paintball (Hitting

Sunday, May 22, 2011


Lennon/McCartney "The Fool On The Hill"

Oops! Pardon me. I confused a different perennial Republican Prez Candidate
with "Paul" in hiz name for the current candidate.
This iz comedian candidate Pat Paulsen who ran for Prez in
1968, '72, '80, 88, 92, and '96.
He came in second to G. H. W. Bush in the ND Primary in 1992.
He won a total of 10,984 votes in that years Presidential Primaries.
That party is sick.
The Grand Old Sick Party!

Ya gotta admit they do look a whole lot alike sittin' at these desks, right?
Sorry for the error.
Ennyhow they're also both perennial comedy candidates with no chance of winning.
Unfortunately the Republiteas will take ennyone seriously.
The only reason Pat Paulsen hasn't run since 1996 is cuz he died in 1997. :(
Hopefully Ron Paul will hang up his patent leathers before then. :)

Ron Paul was born in 1935 and my math makes him 76 or so now. Cool, the dude's got energy and stamina and looks to be in pretty good shape. He's an MD. That's gudd, take care of yourself Ron, just get out of public life for crying out loud!
He was a military MD in uniform, thanks for that service Ron! Much obliged. Gotta luv anyone who serves in uniform. Luvya man!  A sincere thanx for suturing up fellow uniformed victims of war. Gotcha on that one. Ennyone doing that for awhile would be anti-war, and you are. So point made there, guy!

Unfortunately, being an MD and going into practice privately as an obstetrician in Texas (these TX pols can be a pain can't they--LBJ, Dubya, Ron Paul--cheeeze!) made him even more concerned about his blossoming bankroll and population-exploding family and instead of being a liberal he decided to be a libertarian and oppose war AND social justice. :(   Bad move Ron. He opposes all government and basically doesn't want to pay any taxes at all on his considerable financial wad as a Doctor who had spent a career dipping into all that private medical insurance money down in TX. WRONG RON!

Oops. Sorry. Didit again. That's Pat again.

There's Ron, gettin' himself all worked up at a right wing conference.
He gets himself worked up a lot. When he does
the pitch of his voice goes way up and he
sounds like he's gonna
have a heart attack
or sumthin'
I don't want HIS hand on the nuclear button!

Didja ever hear Ron Paul in an interview or a debate, btw, when someone asks him a question he has no legitimate answer for? Not only does his voice rise in pitch 100 times over, he looks crazy just like Jack Nicholson or sumthin'! And instead of talking about the issue at hand he raises his voice AND his pitch. Imagine him on that red phone with Vladimir Putin or something. OMG!

So after landing himself a seat in the U.S. House outa TX, which apparently does not require much in the way of qualifications these days, he joins up with the Libertarian Party, ditches his Republican friends who supported him and ran and won their nomination for Prez in 1988--first try at the Presidency. He raked in a whopping 0.5% of the popular vote and 0 votes in the 1988 Electoral College. Congratulations Idea Man! Pat Paulsen likely did better. Lol. :D 
So, since that idea of running on the Libertarian line didn't pan out for Ron, he decided to ditch his Libertarian friends and supporters and remain on the Republican line for Congress and for his asterisk of a Presidential primary campaign in 2008. The media has reported great enthusiasm among students and fund-raising in the 2008 campaign, but Ron won no primaries at all, no evidence of fund raising prowess was evident when he cited financial problems for withdrawing from the race in June 2008, and he had minimal delegates and influence at the Republican convention. Nobody took his campaign seriously. Congrats Ron. Again, a Pat Paulsen similarity here.

Lennon/McCartney "I'm A Loser"

A strange side note. In the 1990's, Ron started publishing a newsletter and with his own name as the byline it said: "Boy, it sure burns me to have a national holiday for Martin Luther King. I voted against this outrage time and time again as a Congressman." With the Ron Paul byline in his same newsletter the following also appeared: "Opinion polls consistently show only about 5% of blacks have sensible opinions." And this gem also came out of the same Ron Paul publication: "Homosexuals, not to speak of the rest of society, were far better off when social pressure forced them to hide their activities." OK Ron? Really? He tried to squirm outa this one by saying ghost writers wrote under his name on a newsletter owned by him, but in March of 2001 finally and only reluctantly admitted that "he bore 'some moral responsibility' for their publication" (Wikipedia).

Ron Paul's Newsletter commentaries in the 1990's and his
Quixotic 3rd Party Libertarian bid for Prez in 1978
and the racial overtones
remind one of Lyndon LaRouche
and these LaRouche wackos outside my
U.S. Post Office this past winter.
See the racist poster of our
awesome incumbent
President Obama?

So we fast-forward to 2010, and the spawn of Ron, Rand Paul. Ron IS now 76, and may have a sense that he might wind up like George H. W. Bush and decide that he wants to do things later in life like skydive instead of being a politician, so he puts his son up for Senate in Kentucky. OMG. What a foolish campaign and a dangerous incompetent Rand turns out to be.

Ron 'n Rand! OMG! Scary.

It's true, thanks to the Paul family, Aqua Buddha entered the
American political 'dialogue.' OMG! Scary.

When a perfectly legal and non-violent humorous female protester dressed all
funny outside a Senatorial debate during the
2010 Rand Paul Senate campaign
and Rand Paul supporters assaulted her
Rand was silent on the matter
and his father,
Republican Presidential Candidate Ron Paul
was even more silent and unseen for days on my TV screen.
OMG! Scary.

So Rand is now the heir apparent to a political dynasty which extends from one end of a Houston suburb to the other end of that same district. In other words everyone's making much ado about nothing as far as the Ron Paul candidacy is concerned. Ron's trademarks: Disloyalty (just ask the Libertarians who donated time, money and effort to his Prez campaign when he ran for them and the Repubs who donated to his Congressional campaign when he decided to ditch them for the Libertarian nod), Extremism--such as ending the Department of Education and public education altogether, Irresponsibility--not speaking out on son Rand's tacit endorsement of beating women protesters, Self-Aggrandizement--he sure is on the TV screen a whole lot and never stands a chance of winning the Presidency, Ineffectiveness--no one takes him seriously in Congress, And a face just like Pat Paulsen's.

I suggest that you seriously consider re-electing the awesome incumbent President Barack Obama instead!

So, re-elect President Obama in 2012. The short list of Obama achievements:

1) Ending the reign of terror that was Osama Bin Laden.
2) Ending Don't Ask Don't Tell- The official Defense Department policy of legal discrimination against gay and lesbian heros.
3) Negotiating and passing through the U.S. Senate the START treaty with Russia.
4) Passage of the highly successful $700billion TARP bill.
5) Passage of the first-step Health Care Reform Act of 2010.
6) Removing 100,000 of our bravest and best from harm's way in Iraq.
7) Getting a $20 billion down payment from BP before the spill was even over.
8) Intimidating Tony "Wayward" Hayward into resigning as the immoral head of BP, taking a demotion and hiding out in Putin's Russia to avert prosecution by Attorney General Eric Holder.
9) Naming 2 women in a row to the U.S. Supreme court with brains.
10) Having a brain himself as President, post-George Dubya Bush. Refreshing, huh?

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