Sunday, June 12, 2011


Liza Minelli and Queen sing We Are The Champions
Do you think this applies to Gabby Giffords?
Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords in a May 17th photo posted on her Facebook page this morning!

Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords was shot in a vicious bloodbath at her wonderful tradition of meeting constituents in her 8th Congressional Arizona district at a supermarket; she calls them "Congress On The Corner." In the assault, 6 died and 13 others besides Gabby were wounded. These included a federal judge and a 9 year old girl out to get a civics lesson, who admired Gabby and just wanted to meet her.
The Dead:
9 Year Old Christina Green
Dorothy Morris
Judge John M. Roll
Phyllis Schneck
Dorwan Stoddard
Gabriel Zimmerman
Violence stinx. The whole point of being a Democrat and a liberal for me was rooted in Vietnam and growing up in that era. The war itself. Kent State and '4 Dead in Ohio!' Civil rights marches turned into riots by police abuses in New Haven during the Bobby Seale trial. Lynchings and cross burnings. George Wallace screaming "Segregation Now, Segregation Forever!" JFK killed. Bobby Killed. MLK killed. John Lennon killed. Then the Health Care vote and the endgame of the vote last year. The spitting at Civil Rights heros turned Congressmen on the steps of our nation's Capitol. 'Tea Party' protesters carrying signs with President Obama in a coffin!  Cutting a Congressman's brother's gas line to his house, thinking it was the Congressman's house. Capitol Police having to inservice train staff and members in new security measures. Boehner and McConnell refusing Speaker Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's overture to make a joint appearance decrying the violence. In Gabby's neighboring state, Nevada,  Senator Reid's Republican opponent Sharron Angle's thinly veiled "Second Amendment Remedy" threats against Senator Reid!  The current U.S. House Majority Leader Eric Cantor lying and claiming his campaign window had been intentionally shot out, when a police report indicated it was random and had occurred weeks prior.

And then the kicker. Sarah Palin with her 'Crosshairs' approach to using rifle scope crosshairs aimed at particular Congressional Districts. Gabby's was one of those! OMG! Palin was called out on the inappropriateness of her symbolism, particularly given the incendiary and violent turn that national politics had taken in 2010. Yet she stubbornly refused to remove this 'symbolism' of 'targetting' wonderful Americans such as Gabby and left it up until 24 hours after the Tucson massacre. Then it was gone in a heartbeat. Unfortunately 6 heartbeats had already been stilled by then. Their pictures are above. Sarah did NOT pull the trigger. She and Cantor, and Tea Party "Patriot" fools like them, Beck, Limbaugh, the current Speaker John Boehner and Senate Minority 'Leader' Mitch McConnell are contributing to a political culture not of loyal opposition, but of hatred, violence and animosity. I believe that the more violent overtones that preceded Tucson have abated somewhat since January. I hope and pray this is permanent. Wake up people! Smell the coffee, please. Love one another on all sides, Dems and opponents, pleeeeze!!!
Thank God Gabby survived and is getting better.
There she is. Isn't she gorgeous in this shot?
No wonder Christine wanted to meet Gabby and so admired this courageous woman.

I Facebooked the following message to Congresswoman Giffords this morning after she had posted these wonderful photos:

Congresswoman, you are an inspiration and a Godsend, the violence in our political rhetoric has decreased somewhat since the massacre in Arizona, and violence is just simply an obscenity. You, Gabby, are exactly the opposite. You are an art form and these photos far more beautiful than the Mona Lisa or the Sistene Chapel. Thank you so much for sharing these. As Lisa Hart said, 'You go girl!' May God richly bless you and your's. Peace.... Steve Alexander

Happy Sunday everbody! ;o) Thanks Gabby for sharing so much of yourself and your life. My prayers continue daily. Amen. <3     :)

Check out Yoko Ono's website including her creation: the Lennon Peace Prize...


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